Debug messages disappear

I have 2 flows:

flow 1 spits a large number of messages.
flow 2 not so much

In editor, I select "current flow"
I select flow 2, spits 2 messages, waiting 5 seconds, they disappear.

Is the "current flow" only a visual filter ? I can imagine that node-red can not keep all messages in the debug tab.
It is not an issue as I need to reduce the message flow, but was just wondering.

Correct. The editor is still receiving all the messages, it is just displaying those that match the filter you have selected.

How many messages are being kept ?

All of the messages are added to the debug sidebar. The filter then decides which are shown and which are hidden. Once the maximum number of messages have been received, the oldest one is removed from the sidebar regardless of the filter.


I noticed a wired behavior on my Node-Red editor today, which is similar to the one described above.
I have a 16 flows running, each flow receive a message every second from the MQTT.
When I left one of the debug nodes enabled on one of the flows, messages started disappearing from the debug window in the other flow when filter was enabled.
Summary: Flow 1 receive msg. every second then on Flow 2 with filter "current flow" applied messages from debug window start to disappear .

@krzydec please read my previous comment. You have described exactly what I said the existing behaviour is.

Hi !

I had a similar issue. One flow, one mqtt-in node, one debug node.
(mqtt node is looking into a single topic)

If i post a message into that topic (with another mqtt client), the message is shown in the debug window. But it dissapears after ~2 sec.

Normal behaviour was, that the messages were listed, and scrolled in the debug sidebar.

Now I send a single message, it apears alone in the sidebar, and dissapears in ~2 sec.

If I publish more messages into the topic, like 2-3 in one secound, they are shown as a list in the sidebar, but as soon I stop publishing new messages, the list dissapears.

As if the debug sidebar had a "refresh" feature to dump messages older than 2 sec....

Found out, that there was another debug node in another flow, receiving a lot of messages. After turning that debug node off, the behaviour was ok again, my messages were not scrolled away by other messages.

However it's quite strange, why other flows keep influencing the debug sidebar, even if it is set to 'current flow'.

The buffer for storing debug messages is fixed length and all debug messages go into that buffer even if you have set the panel to hide messages from other tabs. When the buffer overflows old messages are dropped which explains what you are seeing.

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