Hi guys,
I'm trying to figure out how to make fs-file-lister to work, but it always return 0 even though there's a file named test.txt and a subfolder named dump in the folder I'm looking into.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi guys,
I'm trying to figure out how to make fs-file-lister to work, but it always return 0 even though there's a file named test.txt and a subfolder named dump in the folder I'm looking into.
What am I doing wrong?
It work for me, though it does not find files whose names Edit - DON'T include a dot, unless I change File Pattern to two asterisks with no dot.
Is datalog a straightforward directory rather than a link or mount point?
It is on my list of things to fix when I get some time. Or someone could do a PR
Even when I type *.* the result is still an empty array. Is there any dependencies?
A possible work-around:
an Exec node to call find /home/pi/datalog -maxdepth 1 -type f
and a Function to format it as an array
var arr = msg.payload.split("\n");
if (arr[arr.length-1] === "") {
msg.payload = arr;
return msg;
No idea if it will exhibit the same issue for you as fs-file-lister
No additional dependencies.
In addition to @zenofmud's questions, how did you install node-red? Are you using a Docker or Home Assistant version for example?
@Colin I'm running NR on my raspberry-pi which is a standalone installation. Docker is not installed.
I'm also running OctoPi on it to manage my 3D printer.
You didn't say how you installed node-red. Are you using the default install? That is out of date and you are using an old version of nodejs too. I suggest upgrading to the latest node-red using the recommended pi install/upgrade script
Add the option --node14
on the end of the line to install nodejs v14.
Make sure all installed nodes are up to date first (using Manage Palette). Also it is a good idea to upgrade other packages on your system using
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
The upgrade may not help but then you will be using the same version as others here and you can rule that out as a possibility. Obviously backup anything important before running tasks such as this.
There are the commands I used to install NR at the time.
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master/resources/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
npm install node-red-dashboard
I'll will update everything as you said.
So I just tried it on a Pi and this is what I got:
This was running with node.js 10.24.0 and NR v1.2.9 I'll upgrade it to 1.3.5 and see what happens.
One thing I did notice is your test.txt file is zero bytes long but then again one of my two files is zero bytes long too.
@el_pablo well I get the same results using 1.3.5
why are you running two different bash commands? for the Pi you should oly run the first one.
It's the second one actually. I think the first was an earlier version.
@colin, yup you are right! I blame all my errors on the head cold my one year old grandaughter gave me this week. That's my story and I'm stickking to it.
I'm new to NR and I'm dumb. I found out what was wrong. I had a brain fart.
I forgot that I was feeding a pattern into the node, which I forgot to mention... My code was looking for a specific file and my brain only wanted to test the node.
I have a function node that was feeding the fs-file-lister node.
// Get the current time and convert it to text
var now = new Date();
var yyyy = now.getFullYear();
var mm = now.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" + (now.getMonth() + 1) : (now.getMonth() + 1); // getMonth() is zero-based
var dd = now.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + now.getDate() : now.getDate();
var hh = now.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + now.getHours() : now.getHours();
var mmm = now.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + now.getMinutes() : now.getMinutes();
var ss = now.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + now.getSeconds() : now.getSeconds();
// Generate out file name pattern
msg.fname = "bioreact_"+ yyyy + mm + dd + ".csv";
// Full filename with path for the file node later
msg.filename = "/home/pi/datalog/"+ msg.fname;
// We save the current payload into a different place on the msg object
msg.filecontent = msg.payload;
// We are passing the file name search pattern to fs node to tell us if the file exists or not
msg.payload = {"pattern":msg.fname};
return msg;
No wonder I thought it wasn't working...
Thanks for your help
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