How to get a payload value of a message with a specific topic to show in label of a chart node

I know that I can use

<font color=#1F51FF size="4">{{msg.payload}}</font>

to display the value of "msg.payload" as text on the dashboard.

But how can I extract the payload value from a specific message (having a specific topic) to use as text for a chart node, which has more than one wire / more than one messages as input?

Thank you and kind regards

To use as text where in the chart node?

You can dynamically style the chart label

Or you could put a text node above or below the chart.

@jbudd Thank you for quick response!
But for dynamically style the chart label I need an additional specific message. I can not directly use the payload of the message (related to you example) you use to draw the red line?

I can't really imagine the scenario where you would use one of several msg.payloads feeding into a chart node to set the label.

However, I assume you could achieve it something like this
If this msg.payload is the one you want to use, set a flow context variable.
Run all inputs to the chart node through a change node which sets msg.label to that context variable.


The scenario is: I have two temperature setpoint values and one actual value shown in one chart node. And I want to see only the text of the actual value in the label of the chart "behind" the name of the chart.
But I think I can mange it using your last example the next days.
Thank you very much for help so far!

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