How to open nodered with DNS name


I want to open nodered Ui as, So it's like mydnsname translate

Can I open it in my local RPI server?


Do you want to access the UI across the internet or just from the local network?
Is that domain name a public name on the internet?

You can change the port number 1880 to 80 (

... but take security into account as anyone in the world can now access your node-red editor in a similar way with that dns name, moreover port 80 doesn't encrypt your data (= http and not https)

From local network. only in my local network(which is connected to internet)

okay but what if i want to run it in locally and with dns name. What are the key steps to get in to this?

Either you need to provide a local DNS server or on each machine that want to use it from configure system to go to the right IP. On Ubuntu for example you can add to the file /etc/hosts
but you will still need to use :1880. The suggestion from @janvda is problematic I think as a process running as a user (rather than root) cannot normally listen on port 80. This link suggests how to do it, but I have not done it myself.

I recommend googling for "redirect webwerver to another port" and see if any of the solutions would work for you

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