I2C missing error after installation

Hi all,I want to implement i2c node in my project but after installation, it is showing that it is missing showing a warning in the manage pallete.
Is there any problem with that node? Can anyone help? I am attaching the screenshot

@ankit Welcome to the forum.

What platform are you running NR on? If it is a Pi, did you activate I2C in raspi-config?

This set of node-red nodes communicate with the Raspberry Pi I2C driver

Hi I am trying to run on a windows machine. Will it not work on windows machine.

Go look at the readme for the node and tell me if you can.

I have seen the readme file but there is nothing written that if we can or can't implement it through windows machine.

But on the official site of i2c driver, I found this-"I²CDriver is an easy-to-use, open-source tool for controlling I²C devices over USB. It works with Windows, Mac, and Linux".

I'm just reporting what the first lines of the Node writeup:

that node is designed to work wth I2C on the Raspberry Pi.

You might find another node to work with I2C on Windows or maybe you can get this to work< not having a Windows mating, I can't help with that but maybe someone else can of if you google bit, maybe you can find a solution.

Thank you very much sir for your prompt response.

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