"In the sidebar panel, I want to create a sublist under a menu item. Is that possible? If so, could you please provide examples?"

Is that possible to bring sidebar panel like this in the dashboard 2.o
I want to customize the sidebar panel like above image.

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try here..

could please provide reference link for better understanding along with code

the above post is a link only. go through the complete post and you will get some idea.

We don't support this currently in FlowFuse Dashboard (Dashboard 2.0), and would be a little tricky to orchestrate/configure, although open to ideas on how we could present that in the Node-RED editor.

What @smanjunath211 has linked to is a discussion about (the now deprecated) Node-RED Dashboard 1.0

Just another vote for this concept. For several weeks now I have been lamenting the fact this is not possible. Heavy use of the dashboard is quite limited without being able to group similar pages together.

Would you not present it the same way as any other widget in the editor, indented immediately below its parent?


Absolutely, its a matter of how we store that "parent", is it a page itself? Just a "container", i.e. a nee type of confog node in Node-RED?

If pages can now have parents of both UI Base or "UI Page Container" (insert better name here) then we'd need to have a new option on ui-page that provides an option of "parent type" so that the dropdown list then updates accordingly.

It's all possible, just want to be we present the best UX wothout ovwrhelming users with options, and making it more annoying for users that don't want to use this feature.

Thanks for the +1 though. I'll get an issue opened this morning and have a think on the technical details

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I guess the child page needs to be unique, but still inherit normal page (currently existing type) properties, so it is just a page like its parent. It's unique in that it can only attach itself to a parent page.

My 2 drachmas worth. :grin:


Hi @joepavitt

I realise this probably isn't high on the list but just wondering if you had had a chance to think about how this could be implemented?


Thanka for chasing Bob, I've opened: Nested Pages in Side Navigation · Issue #1156 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

But not had a chance to put more thought/time into it

Although I know nothing about the new dashboard and how it's implemented, my first thought was to use a special character in the page name to provide the indented "structure" being requested.

For instance, in a unix file system, the / separates the parent container name from the child file name -- perhaps you could just group the pages under similar container names, but without having to actually have a new type of container "page"?

So in the above example both of these page names:

Dropdown/Page 1
Dropdown/Next page

would show up under the heading "Dropdown".

This could even allow multi-level nesting, if that is desired. Other fairly intuitive separators could be a vertical bar Metrics|Temperatures or greater than Top Level>Middle Tier>Bottom Page

This is a great idea for a quick win. The only difficulty I could think of here is where the configuration would live for whether or not the sections are collapsable. Also, if you want to change the header/section name, you'd then have to go through each of the pages and update manually.

I do like it for cleanliness/ease of use, but impracticalities may be a blocker?

I see your point... well then the least impactful implementation may be to add a new page property (e.g. "path"), default it to a blank string, and only show the indention if that field is truthy?

As for configuration to collapse or not -- I'd say that if a page path is set, you are specifying that you want it to show up collapsed. Otherwise, I'm not sure there is much utility to just showing an indented group of pages, is there?

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