Issues with scorecard on

Hi all,

I have published a new version of my package @ptweety/node-red-contrib-ccu and found the following issues with it's scorecard:

  1. Supported Node-RED Version: Missing

    But this is mentioned in package.json

     "node-red": {
         "version": ">=1.0.0",
         "nodes": {
  2. Number of Dependencies: 10

    Although in package.json there a now only just 5.

    "dependencies": {
        "binrpc": "^3.3.1",
        "homematic-rega": "^1.5.2",
        "homematic-xmlrpc": "^1.0.2",
        "obj-ease": "^1.0.1",
        "string-similarity": "^4.0.4"

I also checked my package with

$ npx node-red-dev validate
    ---Validating Package---
✅ Package is MIT licensed
✅ Repository/Bugs Link Supplied
✅ Package uses a Scoped Name
✅ Package uses a Scoped Name
✅ No similar named packages found
✅ Node-RED Keyword Found
✅ Compatible with Node-RED v3.0.2
✅ Compatible with Node-RED v1.3.7
✅ Compatible with Node-RED v2.2.3
✅ Compatible NodeJS Version found 14.0.0
    ---Validating Nodes---
    ---Validating Dependencies---
✅ Package has 5 dependencies
✅ No incompatible packages found in dependency tree
✅ All prod dependencies using latest versions

What can I do to fix this?


Hi @ptweety

checking the logs, you've hit a rare bug we haven't been able to nail down in the flow library.

Sometimes the scorecard reports against an older version of the module than the one that has just been updated. In this screenshot note the 3.5.2 (your latest version) but then the scorecard output reports 3.5.0.

We haven't been able to figure out what causes this. The code downloads the latest tar file from npm to examine - yet somehow the scorecard 'finds' an old version.

I don't have an immediate workaround for you - we need to get to the bottom of this issue on our side.

Thank you @knolleary,

maybe one additional comment from my side: I was rather quick (max few minutes) to request the update in after I've published to npm.

I can also offer to come back right after I've published the next version, so you can monitor / debug the update process on

Don't know how and when it happened, but now it seems to be fixed.


Hi @knolleary ,

with our package @captica/node-red-systacomfort2 we have the same problem. We missed some metadata in the fist version and released a fix pack which passes the node-red-dev validation. But the scorecard still reports the missing attributes.

How can we fix that?


   ---Validating Package---
✅ Package is MIT licensed
✅ Repository/Bugs Link Supplied
✅ Package uses a Scoped Name
✅ Package uses a Scoped Name
✅ No similar named packages found
✅ Node-RED Keyword Found
✅ Compatible with Node-RED v3.0.2
 ›   Warning: P06 NOT Compatible with Node-RED v1.3.7
✅ Compatible with Node-RED v2.2.3
✅ Compatible NodeJS Version found 14.0.0
    ---Validating Nodes---
✅ Nodes all have unique names
✅ Examples found for all nodes
    ---Validating Dependencies---
✅ Package has 0 dependencies
✅ No incompatible packages found in dependency tree
✅ All prod dependencies using latest versions

Hi @marcboehm

Thanks for highlighting. As with the previous case, I can see in the logs for some reason the scorecard has re-run against your older version:

As I said in my last response:

I'll try to take a look this week.

Ok, thank you!

I think this may be another example of the problem. [NODE] node-red-contrib-boolean-parser

@Colin thanks for linking that.

Looking back in the logs I can confirm it is:

Very odd - as the logs show many instances of it working properly. Something curious is going on

The current version in npm is 1.2.1 (16 hours ago it says).

Could it be to do with two or more releases rapidly one after the other? So another release before the first one has been actioned? Or something like that. I see that has happened to both these nodes.

Though I see not necessarily with @ptweety's node.

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