Log level for "Waiting for missing types to be registered" should be 'warn' or 'error'


after installing a new node, node-red did not come up. Looking at the log-files did not give me any clues... only after changing the log-level to 'info' I identified the cause:

Aug 15 11:39:52 myHost nodered[27265]: 15 Aug 11:39:52 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
Aug 15 11:39:52 myHost nodered[27265]: 15 Aug 11:39:52 - [info] - [name of node]

In my opinion: something that stops node-red from properly starting should be flagged at least with 'warn' or 'error' in the log files.


Well the editor also shows that the flows are stopped and that a fix is required.

Yes, the editor might show it, but having the log give more or less a warning, the log type for that line should reflect it, regardless of what log level you have to set or where else you can see this information.

As nodes can start a synchronously they may indeed register late. But I’m not totally averse to making it a warning.