Name it! (I wouldn't ask if I was happy with the old name)

When I'm looking for a contrib node, usually the keywords narrow down the selection, but after that, I look at who wrote/maintains the node.
If it's you, Steve, Bart or one of the other well established developers, I'd know it would work, be well thought out & well maintained. But I take your point about newcomers.

The node name isn't important to me.

We are past half way into September already..

As long as its finalised by xmas.

I was referring to @hotNipi 's Famous September giveaway series....

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I assume that title, max and min level,nand number of segments are all configurable so what ere its enduring characteristics
Single bar
Discrete levels (variable?)
Multi colour 'led'
Mmmh! a bit long but descriptive

I expect this horse has already bolted but @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard is not called node-red-dashboard-2
So nodes developed for it should be @developer/node-red-dashboard-something.

For this one I like horizontal-led-gauge.

And when someone says "can we make it vertical"? :wink:



In fact the name must be @developer/node-red-dashboard-2-<your-widget-name>

See Building Third Party Widgets | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0


Have you considered whether this should be one of the types that the core gauge node supports? It does already support a tank level mode.

Surely nobody would ask that?

Actually I am currently trying to make the standard gauge widget look like a vertical LED array. DB1 version shown vs DB2 so far. It's giving me grief and way too many !importants.
So a vertical led gauge from @hotNipi, yes lovely!

Unless you are viewing it on Firefox!
An led gauge version of the core widget would be more welcome [to me] than the tank with simulated waves.

Is there a report in for that?

No idea.

Well of course, why not but... Why?

It's really not relevant to this thread but since you ask:

In my original dashboard I have a template node which provides the vertical LED display pictured above. It includes a bunch of hocus-pocus which I would prefer to dispense with.

$scope.$watch('msg', function() {

Migrating ... Q1 Can I strip down the standard gauge node [battery] with CSS?
Well kind of, but it's of no practical use.

And why vertical? It represents a sight glass to show a boiler fill level.

It is relevant enough :slight_smile:

I have about 20 arguments against a gauge being vertical and couple of supporive ones. I definetely leave those for another thread.

Until there's no such widget available - I have actually shared prototype of vertical version.

So maybe you just waisting you time, just take it and modify by your needs, no need to fight specially with CSS of the ready made vue based widgets. They go very deep some times ...

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