First, and foremost. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Secondly. I need to communicate that it is just what it is. A suggestion. Maybe poor, maybe ill though out. Maybe awesome. I do not know. The forum name is "New Category Suggestions". Therefore, here is one. It absolutely qualifies as a good suggestion... at least to me.
Thirdly, Thank you for the time you spent reading and responding. The list of available categories is apparently too broad. Nick O'leary suggested that everyone puts their posts on "General". I would suggest that is because there is nothing that remotely fits a reasonable category in the first place. You don't even bother with such a general... category such as "industrial", or "hobby", or "home automation", in order to try and give anyone indication other than hardware, News, Dashboard. As you can see, If I wanted to post something on SQL Server, OPC, PLC, or pretty much anything dealing with process, I'd have to go to General. And that's exactly where anyone would end up if they were researching information on how someone hooked up a camera to thier RP for home security...
Look, I'm not meaning to upset the apple cart at all. I would like to be able to filter out the reams of stuff that never applies to me vs. stuff I'm interested in browsing. The problem with search strings, is that one needs to know what's there in order to find it... If I post, I should be able to place my questions into a category which is logical for that purpose.
Look, I understand that this administration can become unwieldy. I would believe that Nick has more important things to do than be bothered with plucking out inappropriately categorized posts and moving them to another folder.
If this suggestion is too difficult to consider, might I suggest that you remove the posting for "new category suggestions"... for I would really like to know, what exactly would be considered a "good" suggestion ?... if the obvious category of industrial vs, (non-industrial) other... is for some reason, too much...