Curious issue started. After double-clicking on a node to open the edit window, the edit window opens will all the contents highlighted in blue. Clicking anywhere within the window removes the highlighting. Doesn't appear to cause any problems, just annoying.
Never saw this before; does anyone know what's causing this?
I don't know what causes it but it is definitely a browser issue - I've occasionally experienced it myself and not only with Node-RED.
Thanks for the reply.
I'll experiment with some of the browser settings.
TotallyInformation, You're right about the browser. The problem appears in the Brave browser, but not in Firefox.
UPDATE: The problem also occurs in the EDGE & Chrome browsers.
I think it is something to do with selected text - the highlighting is what you see when you select text and for some reason, occasionally it "sticks" and transfers after navigating to a new page.