Containers should be considered immutable. Nothing should be created/stored inside a container other than the program itself (ie. the node-red flows should not be stored inside the container). If the container is gone, then it is only a matter of spinning it back up.
I created the container following an on-line tutorial which suggested creating a folder "docker/nodered".
Then the command:
"sudo docker run -itd --name="nodered" --restart=always --net=host -p 1880:1880 -e TZ=Europe/Zagreb -v /volume2/docker/nodered:/data nodered/node-red"
Looking at the NAS, there is a "docker/nodered" folder that contains many folders and files (suggesting that this is the data associated with the now missing Node-RED container?) .
So, what is the best way of installing a Node-RED container in Docker so that it picks up the existing data?
Having realised that the "docker/nodered" folder contained the floe data etc, I re-installed the node-red container and hey-presto, It's all up and running again!