Node Red Contractor Needed for discovery, docs, and consult for food service plant

I am seeking an experienced node-red consultant to help a food services industry, ~24k-ft, plant where node-red is used for fluid tank automation. Two flows are built (one for moving fluid between tanks and another for monitoring. Looking for experienced consultant to discover, document, and recommend how to support our implementation for the long term. Opportunity for long-term fractional consult will also be considered.

Company production plant is operational from 5am-2pm PT (8am to 5pm EST). We are open to fully remote consult although an onsite for discovery may be required.

Good day,

Are you willing to share the geographical location? Does not need to be an address but a city and state would help others here decide if they are close enough to the site for a quick visit.

Can you please share your contact details to

Thank you for responding. The location is Hayward, California (Bay Area).

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Will do josekavunkal.

You may also be interested in FlowFuse, a sort of orchestration layer that adds business capabilities to open-source Node-RED: FlowFuse Features • FlowFuse

Professional services are available as well. Happy to discuss,

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If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here

thanks Colin... we will keep you in mind, and will update the forum, once we have complete discovery with other entangled automation (not node red) I had to prioritize.

thanks again zack for connecting with me on flowfuse... great demo

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