Node-red-node-ui-table 0.4.3 is killing my Dashboard

Hi all,

I had the issue already months ago.
After installing ui-table my quite big Dashboard disappears and does not show anything.
This is what is left from several pages full of UI elements:

Yesterday I took one free hour and did a totally new and clean NodeRed Installation 3.1.10
Re-Installed all packages one by one and migrated the existing flows from the old (maybe faulty) one to the new one.
At the very end I installed the ui-table package and .... same shit as before.
ui-table is killing my dashboard.

Does anybody know what else I can do or what could cause this error ?


Have you checked your browser console for errors? You can open the developer tools with F12 in most browsers.

I suspect a Javascript error, which prevents the rest of the page from loading.

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I extensively use ui-table in my flows (at least 10 of them and are updated every minute) I dont have any issue.

There is a new table node for dashboard 2.0, based on the same engine (Tabulator), with more functionality.
You are welcome to try it.

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