Node Victron-Dynamic-Ess cannot be updated, removed or installed

Hello, I'm new here and don't know much about Node-Red.

Node-Red runs for me under VenusOS V3.11 on a Pi. I had installed Victron-Dynamic-Ess to try it out, it was running in version 0.1.6 when I updated to V0.1.8 there was an error message, and removing it didn't work either had already deleted the entire flow.

When I removed it I got this message:


2023-10-27T15:42:04.674Z Entfernen : victron-dynamic-ess

2023-10-27T15:42:05.127Z npm remove --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save victron-dynamic-ess

2023-10-27T15:42:14.083Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.094Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.096Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.097Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.100Z [err] code

2023-10-27T15:42:14.101Z [err] ENOTEMPTY

2023-10-27T15:42:14.104Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.106Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.107Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.122Z [err] syscall rename

2023-10-27T15:42:14.122Z [err] npm ERR! path /data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/victron-dynamic-ess

2023-10-27T15:42:14.122Z [err] npm ERR! dest /data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/.victron-dynamic-ess-yDxGOxc1

2023-10-27T15:42:14.122Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.125Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.126Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.127Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.128Z [err] errno

2023-10-27T15:42:14.129Z [err] -39

2023-10-27T15:42:14.152Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.153Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.154Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.155Z [err] ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/victron-dynamic-ess' -> '/data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/.victron-dynamic-ess-yDxGOxc1'

2023-10-27T15:42:14.176Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.179Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.179Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.179Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.180Z [err] A complete log of this run can be found in:

2023-10-27T15:42:14.180Z [err] npm

2023-10-27T15:42:14.181Z [err]

2023-10-27T15:42:14.181Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-27T15:42:14.181Z [err] /data/home/nodered/.npm/_logs/2023-10-27T15_42_10_539Z-debug-0.log

2023-10-27T15:42:14.226Z rc=217 

Unfortunately that doesn't mean anything to me!!!

Yesterday I canceled ..., then this morning Dynamic-Ess disappeared and it was no longer displayed under installed nodes.

Now I wanted to reinstall it and got this message:


2023-10-28T08:44:09.487Z Installieren : victron-dynamic-ess 0.1.8

2023-10-28T08:44:09.874Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production --engine-strict [victron-dynamic-ess@0.1.8](mailto:victron-dynamic-ess@0.1.8)

2023-10-28T08:44:15.543Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:15.547Z [err]

2023-10-28T08:44:15.547Z [err] WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.

2023-10-28T08:44:20.529Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.530Z [err]

2023-10-28T08:44:20.530Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-28T08:44:20.531Z [err] code ENOTEMPTY

2023-10-28T08:44:20.531Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.532Z [err] ERR! syscall

2023-10-28T08:44:20.533Z [err] rename

2023-10-28T08:44:20.534Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.534Z [err] ERR!

2023-10-28T08:44:20.534Z [err] path

2023-10-28T08:44:20.535Z [err] /data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/victron-dynamic-ess

2023-10-28T08:44:20.536Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.536Z [err] ERR! dest /data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/.victron-dynamic-ess-yDxGOxc1

2023-10-28T08:44:20.538Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.538Z [err] ERR! errno -39

2023-10-28T08:44:20.550Z [err] npm ERR!

2023-10-28T08:44:20.551Z [err] ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/victron-dynamic-ess' -> '/data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/.victron-dynamic-ess-yDxGOxc1'

2023-10-28T08:44:20.563Z [err]

2023-10-28T08:44:20.564Z [err] npm

2023-10-28T08:44:20.564Z [err] ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

2023-10-28T08:44:20.564Z [err] npm ERR! /data/home/nodered/.npm/_logs/2023-10-28T08_44_15_321Z-debug-0.log

2023-10-28T08:44:20.600Z rc=217

What do I have to do to reinstall Dynamic-Ess?

... After restarting Node-Red after attempting to install Dynamic-Ess V0.1.8, V0.1.6 is displayed again???

My thanks to you in advance!!

With best regards

Welcome to the forums @Christian_MP2

I am not aware of VenusOS, but from looking at it, it seems to package Node RED.
it also seems to use a container of sorts.

Sadly, it seems to be an environmental issue, and one that may be better known in the VenusOS community?

With that said, the error you have reported has cropped up a few times, and the solution I have seen, is to delete the .file-name

.victron-dynamic-ess-yDxGOxc1 and try the install/update again.

I would get a 2nd opinion before doing so however (someone here may have advice), as I said, the system in which you are using seems to bottle Node RED, and therefore may have customisations that are not native to Node RED

I found a Node RED specific area for VenusOS that maybe helpful

Yes, sometimes npm leaves temporary files or folders named like that. Delete them and try again.

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Thanks for the tip, now I could update. :slight_smile:

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