NODERED good solution for multi users?

Hi everyone,

I almost done my project with node red and a IoT from my own design.
It was hard for me because programming in C my processor is easy, but node red with javascript language is new for me since one year !
But with you and this forum, i successed :wink:

In fact, I am in professional reconversion, i will to sell my electronic card, among other things...

Now, i'm asking me about replication with node red that is to say, one user IoT, one server interface.
Is node red good solution or not ?

Actually, i identify the IoT from node red server with a hard code flash memory serial number and the mac adress.

The question is, how to replicate my node red app with any unique users on a server. Ok, i need to build or seek an inteface to identify and connect users.

  • for exemple on a linux serveur, i imagine to copy the application flows.json in a home user forlder and then ... is node red can exécute code from many user home folders ??
    And the TCP listen node that i use ... just one by user flows or just one for all ?
  • i want to know also if nodeJS takes a lot of ressources in this case ?
    _ Do you know if there is any app known in the web exist ?

I just want to know what is the good way, or if perhaps, i will must to migrate in other platform in the future ... :frowning:

Thank you all,

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