Not able to connect to Iot Hub

I am trying to connect to Azure Iot hub using the Azure Iot Hub Receiver node, but connection is not getting established even after giving the correct conection string. I keep getting this error :
received Attach for unknown link(messages/events/_38eb6e25-0459-4d30-b378-89bdcaaf0d2b): {"type":0,"channel":0,"value":[{"typeName":"string","value":"messages/events/_38eb6e25-0459-4d30-b378-89bdcaaf0d2b"},{"typeName":"handle","value":0},{"typeName":"boolean","value":true},{"typeName":"ubyte","value":0},{"typeName":"ubyte","value":0},null,null,{"typeName":"map","value":{}},{"typeName":"boolean","value":false},null,{"typeName":"ulong","value":0},null,null,{"typeName":"fields","value":{}}]}
received Detach for unknown link(0): {"type":0,"channel":0,"value":[{"typeName":"handle","value":0},{"typeName":"boolean","value":true},{"value":{"typeName":"symbol","value":"amqp:link:redirect"},null,{"typeName":"fields","value":{"hostname":"","network-host":" ","port":5671,"address":"amqps://"}}]}]}

Can someone help resolve this?

Welcome to the forum @nivi

When you want help, it is best to provide some basic information like

  • version of node-red and node.js
  • what device and OS you are running NR on
  • the full name of the actual node you are using? It should be something like node-red-contrib-?????

Also if you need to change the title of your post, you can click on the pencil icon next to the title and edit the title, you don't need to open a new thread.

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