ive created a simple project to switch things on and off using a small touch screen in my overlander land rover .... im using a HID relay board and all works fine .. my question is now ive created this what do i do now? do i use the json file? and if so what do i do with it to make my pi a dedicated touch switch panel?
The 'projects' option allows ou to have different flows saved on your device that you can load into the editor.
If the device is dedicated to a single purpose (flow) then you don't really need the projects option.
I have a Pi I use for testing. The 'projects' option is great because I can switch between projects - within the editor - by picking the project I want to load and BAM it replaces the one I was working on, so I can test whatever I want. And when I'm done, I can go back to the previous project.
im using a usb so only have one wire to connect it together into the cab ... using physical buttons kinda defeats the whole object really. so i cant use them on a touch screen to switch the relays?
In that case, what you may want to use is the ui_button node or the ui_template node (both are part of node-red-dashboard), to create a simple user interface for a screen. For even more options/flexibility you may want to install node-red-contrib-uibuilder instead, it's much more powerful but not as quick to setup as the other two.
ok ive created a user interface - looked at what you sugested and looked a bit complex to me - so used what i have played with before and used dashboard - got some user buttons now - thanks for the tip