I'm experimenting on running OPC UA server within one NodeRed instance in FlowFuse.
The flowfuse host is running in docker.
What setting do I need to do in docker to make UA server work?
I'm experimenting on running OPC UA server within one NodeRed instance in FlowFuse.
The flowfuse host is running in docker.
What setting do I need to do in docker to make UA server work?
Hi, you havent said what you have done but what makes you think there is something to change in docker?
Please provide some more information on what you have done and where you are stumbling.
If it’s running as a server, you may need to open any necessary ports to allow external devices to connect into the container.
Thank you for your response. Normally, ports in a container need to be set up in docker to be exposed for hosts outside of docker. I guess that is the same for flowfuse. Flowfuse consists of multiple contaiers and I wonder which one to modify, If any..
Kind regards
Thank you for your response. Flowfuse has multiple container. Which one to set up the ua port?
Kind regards