Pi install script fail

Yes, clock shows correct time. If I type bash then exit the system responds exit.
Will try script part latet

What happens after you run bash?

I get a command prompt

OK, that is as it should be.

so when I download script and do the chmod stuff and run the script runs fine. One point to make here. I am running across a VPN tunnel so don't know if I get some weird things going on but downloading and running seems to me to be the same as running the command

What happens if you run, from that folder,
bash < nrscript
I am not certain of the syntax, will have to check later if that doesn't parse.

It spits out what looks like a welcome page

Exactly what please.


So that is the same output you get at the start when you run the script, which is correct.
One last test before I give up. What happens if you now run
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered 1)

[Edit] Corrected command. It should be
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)

Script runs and completes

OK, so something has changed between the first times you ran it and now. What that is we will likely never know.

Full moon?
thanks for all your effort though

@Colin can you explain the purpose of the 1 at the end of that command line?

Nope! I have no idea how that crept in when I copy/pasted it. I will correct the previous post.

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