i've set up a script to do most of what i want but it seems that nodes won't install. i'm on raspberry pi. am i just stupid and missing something obvious? (or both)
i've tried with and without sudo, here's the output, but after restarting node-red and the pi, i still don't see the module loaded. i have quite a few i'm installing and it would be nice just to script it.
of course it 'works' just going through the palette manager
to be clear, I don't need assistance with the script the large portion of it works correctly. the only thing that isn't working is using npm to install nodes from the pallete.
as a result of that not working I tried it directly from command line and see that it does not work as showing my example. I just need help with a command line that will do this installation, or pointing me in the direction of what the pallet manager in the UI does that I am missing from my command line argument.
the example node from the command line I posted is fine to use, but of course it shouldn't matter what module.
It looks like your install works correctly. However, what is not clear is the node red that you run - how do you run it (service? Command line? Portainer/docker?) Where is its installed? How did you install it?
Could you show us the output from your node red startup? That will identify the node red instance you are running and where it is installed.
In simple terms, you may be installing a node to ~/.node-red but your node-red could be running somewhere else. Even a different PI (I've seen people do that too).
I feel like I made my life difficult by even saying script. all I want is something that I can type into the terminal that will install a node.
I assume it should be a one-line solution I posted in my original post where I tried to do it through the command line and the output that I got. is there a way to get more verbose output?
Having used sudo you may have left some files in your home directory with root permissions. If you get permission errors when trying to install nodes in the future then you will need to change the files in your user directory back to the node red user.