Hi everyone, i`m new here, my language is not english, sorry about it.
I have installing Node-RED on my Rpi Zero, also on my Laptop, i have the V1.3, so when i start node-RED on terminal, is all ok, but when i open the editor on google chrome, it frozen..
On the browsers that aren't working, can you use the developer tools? You are likely to see some errors that may give clues. You might also see what is stuck by looking at the networking tab in the dev tools.
From the image, it looks like you don't have an active tab in the editor. What happens if you add a new tab and add an inject node and dploy it? Can you get in then?
Thank you, Yes @zenofmud from the image looks like, but sure, i have an active tab in the editor, on Safari the flow editor work OK! all nodes work well. only i can not access to flow editor on Chrome
The "e.trim is not a function" on Chrome problem has been reported by two other users recently in the thread below. No solution has been found as far as I know.
Just on an off chance, could you make the first tab in the flow active - Just add a new tab and inject node, drag the tab to the left till it is the first tab and deploy. Then test on Chrome.
Can you open in Chrome and Safari and in both cases, View Source of the page and see if there's any difference in what is returned?
No problem, its OK @knolleary .It works quite well on Safari, I just wanted to share it with the community. by the way, thanks a lot for the Node-RED tool. many successes.
I had a similar experience and it turned out to be a browser cache problem. Can you delete your browser cache in chrome and check if that changes anything?
Hey @jaeti01 thank you, i just delete my browser cahce and i upgraded it too, but when i open the flow editor, not work.
Look like: http://localhost:1880
it freezes, the dashboard work very well, no problem.