Problems setting up NR environment in Suse

Hi All,

I have tried asking around in many places - most probably wrong places - and I am still not able to resolve my issue.

I am trying to set up a NR environment in Suse Linux server. All my Linux experience is with RPi and I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or just don't understand the basics. I have used this post to install NR with snap and Node Red is running just fine.

I want to install node-rfc which is a pre-requisite of node-red-contrib-saprfc, but when

npm install node-rfc

I get a message that npm is not a valid command. I know that node.js is installed as I am able to run Node-Red, I could install the dashboard from the palette manager. If I run node -v from under /snap/node-red/544/bin I get that v12.16.1 is installed. I can also see a npm script in the same folder, but I am not able to run it although there is access to execute that file.

I have no idea what I am missing.


Hi Csongor, long time since I used SUSE! But I've not used snap at all and I think that is the issue here. As I understand it, snap is a containerisation tool so I imagine that however Node-RED is being initiated inside the container, the right path is not being set and therefore the npm command is not being found.

If you use the exec node to echo the path, you should get it back so that you can output to debug. You should then be able to see if the path includes the appropriate folder.

Just guesswork though I'm afraid.

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The snap environment is fairly locked down -so you have to do thing slightly differently - see the readme -


@dceejay [quote="dceejay, post:3, topic:22860, full:true"]
The snap environment is fairly locked down -so you have to do thing slightly differently - see the readme -

@dceejay thanks a lot it helped. There is something to learn all the time. Unfortunately the component did not install successfully, so I am digging further...

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