Sorry - cannot connect to internet - not going to touch anything. node-red - npm is not reachable.
Please ensure you have a working internet connection.
Return code from curl is 0
Running the command without bash Raspi shows me the script of this command.
A ping to works perfectly. What can I do to run the update from 1.3.2 to the latest version?
Can you ping
Can you open that in a browser?
If not then that is the problem. If you can then try again in case it was a temporary issue. If still not working is there anything in /var/log/nodered-install.log?
@Colin 1st question: I can ping 2nd question: I'm using the RasPi headless without a browser 3rd question: There are multiple entries concerning nodered-install.log in that directory. The lastet entry is empty.
4th question:
@UnborN 1st question: I can ping raw. 2nd question: date/time is correct last question: I ran sudo apt update - ok, but within the sudo apt full-upgrade the connection to the RasPi was refused by Putty. I'm afraid that the upgrade was not finished perfectly. Can I run the full-upgrade once more?
The log file is rotated regularly. Run the script again and see if you get a non-empty one. Or the last one that is not empty may already have the information.
Did you try running the script again in case it was a temporary issue?
Yes, hopefully. An upgrade that fails half way through can occasionally be disastrous.
Now I have tried to update/upgrade ubunto again an - lucky - i was successful. Then I removed the rmote connection and connected the RasPi direct via HMDI/USB. Then the Installation of the new version was installed without any displayed errors during the installation. The file nodered-installed.log shows a lot entries, but that all means nothing to me.