Not sure if this is a feature request, or if someone can tell me I'm doing it wrong
The problem:
When I search for something in palette, then I click on one of the many results, it takes me to that result and closes the search box.
On paper, that sounds perfectly reasonable.
But in reality I use search a LOT now and I'd like to be able to quickly click through each result, bearing in mind that each time I click a result it teleports me right to location within the tab (flow), which helps me see very quickly if that's the result I was looking for.
The issue is that, the way I want to find nodes, I not only have to bring up the search box, type the search term, click the first result, realise that's not it, then also have to do the whole lot again (as it doesn't even pre-populate the search box with the previous search) - but also I have to count down the list of the item I clicked (e.g. try the first result first, try the second result second.... remember to try the 7th result on the 7th time you do this...)
Is there a more effective way to search through 5-10 results quickly?
I really like being teleported to the location of the thing you are searching for, although I would love for the little highlight animation to be less subtle as it's often impossible to see the node that is flashing for the short duration after you click on the search result.
Basically I'm quite a visual person and as soon as I see the node, in the context of where I put it, I know immediately whether or not it's the one I'm looking for.
Is there a way to achieve that?
Wouldn't it be nice to implement a kind of "hover" function, so when you hover over one result, it switches to the correct flow / location and highlights the node? That way you could move your mouse around each result and just see immediately. (Potential problem: the search box might obscure the view of the node it found.)
What about just keeping the search box open until it's explicitly closed? It could make quick searches a bit slower, as it adds an extra mouse click to close the search box. Also same potential problem as above: the search box may obscure the highlighted node.
A sidebar search - now we are talking...