Remote Red Firewall configuration

I'm trying to connect Remote Red. Service starts and stops again. Guess its a firewall issue but I dont understand the information in the help file.

How can I edit this in my fritz box.

have you ask for help from Remote Red, that would seem to be the place to get help with your issue.

Hi, could you explain how -> I can only find a how to in remote red, that does not explain what to do? I'm not finding any loggs or information why it stops. I can only guess that it has something todo with the firewall. When I try to open the ports on my fritz box the ranges given can not be edited in the fritz box mask (Port 443 and Port Range 50000 -60000). If you have any idea please let me know. I'm really stuck or don't understand the advice in the right way - am no good in network.

Don't think we can help you with that.
Please contact the developer of this app: Home - Remote-RED

A far as I can see the author wants to charge for you to use the s/w but does not provide any means of contacting him/her in the event that there is a problem.

Thanks, I found a contact. Will Report If get News or Help. Thanks until now.

For anyone else finding this can you post the contact details please?

My Email is

There are several places where I added my mail address for support reasons:

  • In the Readme of the node. That is visible at the node red library node-red-contrib-remote (node) - Node-RED
  • In the config node of Remote-RED there is directly a "Mail to support" button that opens a mail to me with some debug informations.
  • In the App Stores I added a contact mail address.
  • On my homepage in the "Legal Notes / Impressum" as nearly all European homepages has.
  • Also I activated GitHub issues for thous wo like that more :wink:

Apologies, I missed it in the readme.

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