I'm trying to setup an RFXtrx868X in NodeRed.
It's just that I'm not sure if the current plugin ( node-red-contrib-rfxcom) supports the 868 Mhz.
I can't choose the Orcon as a Fan.
It works in the RFXMngr.
I suppose I could just sent the command with a "Serial Out", but if it can be done by the plugin that would be a great help.
If Orcon is fan subtype 0x0C, then sorry no, it's not currently supported, only subtypes up to 0x0B (Novy) are handled at present. I don't have an 868 MHz RFX to test with, and more important, I no longer have much free time at all to work on the nodes. Adding a new subtype requires work on the underlying node-rfxcom package, as well as the Node-RED nodes.
I’ve been in contact with Bert at RFXCOM about the new transceivers, including the 868MHz types. The communication protocol over the USB is basically unchanged, so they should be compatible with my node. But the developers SDK documentation is still being updated, so I can’t yet add the Orcon fan type. When I get the update I will do so