Setting some default views

I'd like to set a few default values so that every time i go to use a node or node red editor it's configured to what's handy for me.


  • Opening NR editor would default to the debug console being open rather than the info panel
  • dragging a debug node to the editor would have the default output value already set to "complete msg payload" rather than just "msg paylod" etc

and similar tasks like that.
Are they settings that are already possible somewhere ?

Hi @LazzaWA

  • Opening NR editor would default to the debug console being open rather than the info panel

that's on the todo list in some form. In a recent release we added the ability to reorder the sidebar tabs - however I later realised that doesn't influence which one is opened by default; you still get the info tab open by default. The easy(ish) change will be to make it ensure the first tab is the active tab once the editor has finished loading.

  • dragging a debug node to the editor would have the default output value already set to "complete msg payload" rather than just "msg paylod" etc

We don't have anyway for you to set personal default configurations for nodes. There are some possible ideas in this area, but nothing concrete planned.

no problem thanks for the reply

Actually while i think about it. Another handy default would be for the debug console to default to "current flow" rather than "all flows". I personally struggle to think of a reason when someone might want to see the debug messages from other flows that have worked for years as opposed to the current one they are working in :slight_smile: but that's IMHO

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