Hello All,
I'm trying to find a way to display a PDF on a Dashboard 2 on a click of a Read-Me button.
I've tried several options mentioned in online samples but somehow I cannot get it to work.
Anybody having some pointers fer me?
Hello All,
I'm trying to find a way to display a PDF on a Dashboard 2 on a click of a Read-Me button.
I've tried several options mentioned in online samples but somehow I cannot get it to work.
Anybody having some pointers fer me?
Where is the pdf (same file system as where node-red is installed? On a different computer? On the internet? Dynamically generated using PDF nodes?)
Have you set up httpStatic
to serve it or are you using http in/response nodes to serve it or are you trying to pass it in a payload?
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your reply. The problem is not the file location. It is good accesible.
If I put an Iframe node on the page, it is viseble. But it's visible all the time and it's visible in a groep.
I would like to have it visible in a seperate page on a click of a button
Then you could make the group a dialog.
Thank You Steve!