[SOLVED] "Failed to connect to http://localhost:1880" when running any "node-red admin" command for proxmox container

Hi all

I'm trying to run "node-red admin login" in a Node-Red 4.0.5 installed in a privileged Proxmox container, but I always receive a "Failed to connect to http://localhost:1880" error

Strangely, if I run "curl http://localhost:1880" from same console, I get the NR page

What can I check?


Are you running the command "node-red admin login" from inside the Proxmox container?

In the console your running the curl command first look up the vmid of the container

$ pct list

Then using the vmid of the nodered container shell into it

$ pct enter vmid

now type commands you want to. edit files like settings.js ....etc
when your done and want back out type:


hope this helps ya.

I'm running the command from the LXC container console

I see the command is

node-red-admin login 

if you install it separate

see ---> Command-line Administration : Node-RED

To use the version included with node-red , use the command node-red admin

I have not installed separately.

I've solved using the "target" option


node-red admin target http://myIP:1880

and then

node-red admin login

and it worked

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