I have written a subflow.
It works - as best I can say - on all but one machine.
All machines send back their temperature reading, a PING reply and that indicates they are working.
So: I'm guessing I have the sub-flow wired in correctly.
One for each machine.
There are lots of inputs to it and a few outputs.
The one of interest is this message - for machine#1
{"payload":"<font color = \"lime\" i class=\"fa fa-bullseye fa-2x\"></i>","host":"83","topic":"BedPi/On-line","device_ID":"BedPi","background":"lime","_msgid":"a2c057de.049818"}
Great! Things work. You can clearly see the lime part of the message. AND the rest of the bigger message.
Machine #2's output form the sub-flow is this:
<font color = "lime" i class="fa fa-bullseye fa-2x"></i>
Then straight after that message is this one:
<font color = "yellow" i class="fa fa-bullseye fa-2x"></i>
Now, putting aside any syntactical errors, why it is that for machine #1 I get that lovely bigger message.
Machine #2 is that short message?
And why is it putting out two, rather than one?
All other machines work nicely.
The inputs to the node for machine #1 is:
Machine #2's inputs are:
So given how a sub-flow is supposed to work, I am missing something why machine #1 gets the correct output while machine #2 doesn't.