Sunday JSONata Challenge!

Here's a bit of a fun challenge for anyone wanting to improve their JSONata Fu.

Take the output from the following nmap command output (change the IP address/subnet to match your own):

sudo nmap -sn --oX nmap.xml --privileged -R --system-dns --webxml

Then in Node-RED, read in the resulting XML file (nmap.xml) and push through the XML node to turn it into JSON.

You will note that the conversion wraps XML attributes in $ properties that, in this case, are entirely unnecessary.

                    "status": [
                            "$": {
                                "state": "up",
                                "reason": "arp-response",
                                "reason_ttl": "0"
                    "address": [
                            "$": {
                                "addr": "",
                                "addrtype": "ipv4"
                            "$": {
                                "addr": "B8:27:EB:DF:49:7E",
                                "addrtype": "mac",
                                "vendor": "Raspberry Pi Foundation"
                    "hostnames": [
                            "hostname": [
                                    "$": {
                                        "name": "",
                                        "type": "PTR"
                    "times": [
                            "$": {
                                "srtt": "406",
                                "rttvar": "5000",
                                "to": "100000"

So the challenge is to simplify the output, removing the extraneous $ properties:

                    "status": [
                             "state": "up",
                             "reason": "arp-response",
                             "reason_ttl": "0"

Good luck!

In case you are wondering what the end-game of this might be, I've two reasons. One is that the extraneous $ objects are common artefacts of converting from XML to JSON and so it isn't uncommon to want to get rid of them.

The second is that I am trying to automatically capture and update the devices on my network. I am combining this with some reference data that I maintain in an Excel spreadsheet detailing IP & MAC addresses with descriptions.

Ultimately, I will also combine this with 433MHz devices identified via my RFXtrx433E and devices on my Drayton Wiser smart heating system. Then I will have a complete picture of the devices I am interested in on my Home Automation system.

I will do a write-up of how to combine two arrays of objects using JSONata on my blog shortly which will hopefully be a useful reference for people trying to do similar tasks.

By the way, here is what I've come up with so far - but note that it just side-steps the challenge by building a new array of objects.

        /* Note different lookup methods */
        "ip": address.*[addrtype="ipv4"].addr,
        "mac": address.*[addrtype="mac"].addr.$uppercase(),
        "vendor": address.*.vendor,
        "hostname": hostnames.hostname."$".name,
        /* srtt is in microseconds so convert to milliseconds. /1000 again to get to seconds */
        "srtt": $parseInteger(times."$".srtt, '#0')/1000,
        /* Add a JS timestamp for when this was run
         * Eventually will use this to track last updates for devices. */
        "timestamp": $parseInteger($$.payload.nmaprun."$".start, '#0')*1000

Note that the other thing I'd like to do to this is to turn the array into an object keyed on mac address.


JSONata 1.8, yet to be included with Node-RED is introducing a parent operator, which makes paging through the tree a lot easier/readable. I've done queries like this before through rewriting (once you reach your first 100 line expression with an xml node it gets easy), in a similar way as your solution. Let me see if I can come up with a different one in a bit, I do have some ideas but they need a bit of experimentation

Unfortunately, my fingers aren't cooperating with my mind today, and I can't manage to get the syntax correct. The idea would be to utilise JSONata's capability of writing recursive functions, and have a function that for every object will look for a key "$", and get the underlying value out and inserted on parent level.

Thanks for looking Lena.

For now, I gave up (as often the case with JSONata) and went back to a familiar function node. A lot quicker to deal with! But I have to set myself (and others :grinning:) a challenge from time-to-time.

Anyway, the output from today's and yesterday's efforts has been to produce a new devices structure. This combines my manual IP/Mac table with nmap discovery. I've started to build a uibuilder editable table so that I will be able to update things like descriptions and locations for devices.

I blame Paul @zenofmud for this distraction because I looked again at his excellent "ET Display Home" and decided that I wanted a version that didn't take up 300 tabs and that would use uibuilder instead of Dashboard :grinning:

That then reminded me that I'd promised myself that I'd re-engineer my home automation reference data which in turn reminded me that I really needed a UI to administer all this stuff rather than manually editing it in the Editor.

Oh dear, what was that about addiction?!


You know, I did look at trying the figure out how to do it with JSONata but was stumped myself (not a difficult task when JSONata is involved) and decided if I was going to do, I'd do it with some function nodes myself.

Then I went for a 4 mile walk instead :innocent:


Finally had some time to work on this. I'm not totally happy with the result, but I look forward to adding more in the coming weeks.

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Note that the xml node can also assign a different value in stead of the $

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Look forward to seeing the results :grinning:

Doesn't really help though does it? You still get the extra level of object structure as the attributes are turned into ...$.{...}. In the example case, I know that there is no clash between XML tag names and attribute names so the whole lot could be flattened significantly making it much easier to process further.

You're right I misread, you want to remove the attribute "enclosure", I agree it can be quite messy at times (looking at my zwave xml, it is hard to read through it)

I think you need to rewrite the "definition" of the json output, something in this direction (my jsonata skills are terrible, but you get the gist):

  "status": **.(
    $state := **.state;
    $reason := **.reason;

        "state" : $state,
        "reason": $reason

Cool. Well done, that's the best yet :grinning:

Somewhat extended:

  "status": **.(
    $state := **.state;
    $reason := **.reason;
    $addr := **.addr;
    $vendor := **.vendor;
    $srtt := **.srtt;
    $hostname := **.name;

        "state" : $state,
        "reason": $reason,
        "address": $addr[0],
        "mac": $addr[1],
        "vendor": $vendor,
        "srtt": $srtt,
        "hostname": $hostname

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