I know this is an old thread, but I just used @Andrei 's flow and it's good for showing the 'running' time of the trigger (thanks).
In my case, I have the trigger set for 2 minutes and "extend delay if new message arrives" is ticked. Evertime the PIR detects motion, the trigger starts again.
It would be good if the function would re-start counting from zero at every trigger.
Did anyone find a solution?
This is Andrei's function:
var counting = function () {
let counter = flow.get('counter');
counter += 1;
node.status({text:counter + " seconds"});
return counter;
if (msg.payload === "true") {
node.status({text: "Started.."});
let timer1 = setInterval(counting, 1000);
} else if (msg.payload === "false") {
node.status({}); // clear the status decoration
return msg;