Tuya-Smart-Node configuration - is it working anyway?

Hi guys,
since weeks I´m trying to have my Tuya devices somehow integrated to my Smart Home system. I had big hope when they released the Tuya v2 API but got disappointed quite soon. Now here is what I´m trying to achieve:


  • I´m running NR as Add-On to a Home Assistant installation.
  • My Tuya curtain control is connected to my tuya Zigbee gateway and registered via "Tuya Smart" App
  • Tuya developer account is up and running

Use Case

I want to use the nodes from the "node-red-contrib-tuya-smart-device" palette to control my curtains. However, when trying to configure the "tuya-smart-device" node, it continuously fails to connect.

I extracted the requested information from the Tuya IoT platform as well as the CLI tool as described in here. Worth mentioning that, when using the CLI tool to receive the requested "Device Key", there is only shown one key for the zigbee gateway but not the individual devices connected to it (see below):

Did anybody manage to set up this node or has an idea why it fails to connect?

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