URL shown on web browser

When I access the dashboard, something similar to this is shown in the browser:


I would like to know if it is possible to make this cleaner and remove that "#!/0socketid=037BESeRkXHx_tP5AAAC".

For example: http://localhost:1880/ui/



The path that follows starts with a hash (#). This is used to handle a following (relative) address to navigate through the UI without actually changing the page you are on. Only parts of the page will be reloaded or fully replaced. This is something added by a number of frontend frameworks, including Angular which the dashboard uses inside. They call it “hash mode routing”, as opposed to “history mode”. Where in the old days each time you were to click a link the browser would request a different page and load it entirely, these frameworks allow to define multiple pages without actually having the browser load a new page. Because of the hash, the browser thinks it is still on the same page even though internally a whole different page can be shown.

As a result, localhost:1880/ui is the way to tell the browser where to find the dashboard, and anything behind the hash is used by the dashboard to show which page that is. If you were to link to the first shown view on the dashboard, localhost:1880/ui would be enough. If however you need to link to a specific part, you need that full though hard to read address.

In order to improve that, the core of the dashboard does likely need to be changed (looking at @dceejay for confirmation of that statement).


Yes - http://localhost:1880/ui is enough to get you to the front page of the dashboard, and should be what you use for bookmarks etc.
And No - there are no plans I know of to change that.

In case you would like a more manageable address, you could consider to use a different kind of node like node-red-contrib-uibuilder and use it to build a dashboard in the way you want it. As you would start more or less from scratch, it would allow you to set up the basics for addresses and routing for yourself too, though detailed documentation on how to do this has yet to be added.