Which apps can be installed and used together with Node Red on a Raspberry?

I want to share ioBroker, Node Red, rhasspy and voice2json on a Raspberry 4 with 4GB with 2021-01-11-raspios-buster-armhf-lite on 16GB SD card. USB-Mic and headphone-jack.

I use kaldi and german.

After I installed at least voice2json, arecord did not work because the mic was already occupied (error 828). The flows for voice2json were not visible.

Before I start from scratch, I would like to ask these questions:

  1. Is it possible to share Rhasspy and voice2json with the headphones and USB mic?
  2. In what order do the apps need to be installed?
  3. What needs to be considered at [asound.conf]
  4. Is there also a german forum or a possibility to ask in german?
  5. if I install the apps in docker, how can I configure the settings for sound and mic?
  6. what is recommended?

thanks in advance


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