Write node on Synology NAS

Hi @Tomtom ,

looks like you do not have the correct user priviliges to create files and folder. I understand that you are running docker on Synology, than you will need to setup the correct file and folder permission to your /data and /backup folder.

Sorry, I have no idea on how this works on ynology, but in QNAP I had to use the filemanager to create a /backup and add PUBLIC access with permission to create/change files and subfolders .. additionally I mad sure that all my reguistered QNAP-users have full-access to this folder.

The above will open-up your Node-Red file structure to everybody and you will have to close it down (limit user-access) as soon you have it working.

Ways to test the folder access:

  1. go into your docker console for Node-Red and manually create a file in the /data folder .. if this does not work you have to check your file/folder/user settings until it works
  2. do same as above and try to create the new /backup folder manually .. if it fails .. do same as above :wink:
  3. use your windows filemanager and log into your folder of the Node-Red /data or /backup folder .. try to create a file or subfolder

Your issue is not with Node-Red, but with the file/folder permission on Synology with docker. You need to get help from that direction.

I'm not using the docker-environment on my QNAP NAS anymore as there were too many device/environment specific elements to consider.

I'm now running a Ubuntu LINUX-Laptop with docker and mapping all my folders to the folders on my qnap qith a few simple steps

  1. Create the folder on your NAS with normal user-credentials
  2. Creat a folder map on your docker environment pointing to your NAS (mine is and im using Webmin to do the mapping
  3. assign the folder to your NR-Docker image (I use portainer)
  4. same can be done for as many folders you like :wink: