Accessing Node-red dashboard over the Internet

Hi there,
I'm a newbie to this node-red environment. but I wanna ask you guys on How to accessing my nodered dashboard over the internet (with different network). I can accessing my dashboard with different PC using my nodered's PC internal IPv4.

can you guys giving me guides, or is there maybe another topic that has the similar problem that already been answered?

Thanks guys!

If you search the forum for “remote access” you will find plenty of topics talking about this topic.
In short its very dangerous to expose any ports to the internet and when exposing the dashboard you are also exposing your whole instance of nodered to the outside world which is a very bad idea.
The easiest way for remote access that is secure is to set up something like openvpn on your network. There is plenty of tutorials for that and its fairly user friendly. That way you can securely connect to your home network from the outside and also access your dashboard.


You can setup a server
and then send the data to it using a mqtt broker

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An alternative to OpenVPN is zerotier - open source, free for normal use.

Step 1: Administrator
Register and add your first network (mark it private - which is default)

Step 2: Clients
zerotier establishes private Software Defined Networks which is almost foolproof to handle for client device users. Just install the software (mac/win/ios/android/linux/freebsd/certain NAS) and connect to the ID of your in step 1 created network. Thats it for clients - no certificates/no profiles, straightforward and simple.

Step 3: Grant access/remove access
As administrator, you log in to your network's dashboard and grant or remove access to this network for each client you wish to provide it for. Et voilá: no matter where your devices are in the world, they can connect to each other.

When I came across zerotier and tried it for the first time, it has taken me 10 minutes to do all of that and enjoy connectivity from everywhere. Far more simple than any VPN solution I tried. For me, as administrator, and - more important - my clients.The underlying protocols are similar to VPN, so security is granted.

There are more options for admins, f.e. you can setup firewall rules to one of the clients to access the network behind that client. This is, among other stuff, properly documented and not necessarily something you would require. I, f.e., let one of my devices join 2 zerotier networks at the same time. One grants access to the device itself, which is what I use for my family, and the other grants access to the network behind that device as well, which I use for me, the MASTER of my home's network :slight_smile:


Hey! its working! thanks man.

@jodelkoenig, I created a zerotier network "xxxxxxxx64". 2 PCs are connected to this network with new IP adress and xx.xx.xx.xx6
How, from PC N ° 1, do I access the Node-Red server which runs on PC N ° 2?

Just type in the IP address of the addressee provided by zerotier (x3 or x6). If you would like to access a nodered dashboard than use xx.xx.xx.xx/ui

yes that's what i tried but it doesn't work. I must say that I have a 4G modem router, so the public IP address is not fixed. Could that be a problem?

In fact, the advantage of zerotier is, it works even without public IP addresses. As we see exactly this popping up more and more in Germany with LTE only internet as well as fiber cable. So, this offering helps to solve things on this end as well.

Now the typical IT Help Desk stuff :smiley:

  • Turn off both PC's connection to zerotier, wait a bit, then reconnect.
  • Check, that both PC's have been accepted in zerotier's dashboard.
  • While you are at the dashboard, check connectivity status of both devices.

In any case. The connection does not immediately work, once established. Depending on which connection you use to internet, it might take a bit to finally connect.


In rare cases a firewall setting can still prevent a PC to connect to zerotier. I haven't faced this yet, hence, I cannot be of help here. Company firewalls in particular might block things that are required by zerotier. Check documentation if that could indeed be a potential roadblock.

this is a good thing :slightly_smiling_face:

this look look correct

and to finish :

Last question, before I look for a problem on the firewall or other. I didn't put a port after the IP address, something like that? :
It's not worth it ? (but it doesn't work either)

Uh ... I have my nodered instance behind a proxy. Hence I do not need to provide a port. Sorry for the confusion. :pensive:

If you do not use a proxy then just go standard: http://ip-address:1880/ui or https:// if you have enabled it in nodered.

Connection-wise it looks good.

When it doesn't want, it doesn't want it lol

I nevertheless checked in the Win10 firewall if zeroing was indeed put in the exceptions, and it is there.

I will give up for the moment, maybe someone will have tried in the meantime :wink:

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