Alexa 'On Device Activity' not working

Working OK for me on 5.0.49

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Drat - it works once for me and then just sits there saying... 'listening'.

I'm in the same boat as you @dynamicdave. I've been having issues for the past several days in fact. Seems to work intermittently at best.

Lots of people have different problems with this node - Dave has not had it working properly for quite some time

But I've been fortunate as it's worked OK for me for past two months

I've just tried 4 tests in a row just now and they all worked.

It's just not a reliable solution for everyone :frowning:

The same in my case.
I'm fairly new to NR (use Smartthings and Alexa) but I've learnt a lot from this forum, especially in the case of Alexa, by following your posts.
Basing mine on a flow you posted (a belated thank you!) I managed to get reports on my plants, indoor humidity etc from Alexa but I found the On Activity node of very little practical use.
As Smartthings has a MQTT driver that allows creating a virtual switch, recognised in turn by Alexa, it let's me set up a routine "Alexa, give me an update!" to press this switch which triggers the flow to read the latest measurements. Suppose the same could be done by a periodic time trigger - believe I've seen a post of yours on something similar.

Do you mean you can "say" that command to Alexa and some-how get a response?

Yes, using an Alexa routine.......

It's possible to use several alternative phrases to trigger.
The virtual switch belongs to Smartthings which publishes MQTT to a MQTT In node in the flow.

This option has been around for a while in various types.

I have used a virtual light, then I can monitor on the same topic, but use 100 different brightness levels for different commands.

The main issue with this is it's not room aware, so you cannot have dynamic responses.

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Hi Steve - can you remind me how you set-up and connected the 'virtual light' to the Alexa Routine?

Install node-red-contrib-virtual-smart-home (node) - Node-RED Link to Alexa etc
Setup a virtual light in Node Red - I called it "command"
Create a routine in the Alexa app for the command you want to say, with a few alternatives in the When section.
In the Alexa Will section - Select the "command" light and specify a brightness.
Use messages from this device to trigger flows based on the reported brightness.

It's Sean BTW :wink:


Oops - sorry. I always get you and Steve @Steve-Mcl mixed up as your Avatars are so similar.

Nothing alike :rofl:


Oh yes now I can see the difference - you have no hair - is that correct?

@smcgann99 that's very clever. I never gave this one a chance because of the cloud connection, metadata collection and subscription model. I wonder if node-red-contrib-amazon-echo-oztourer could be set up this way. :thinking:

Thanks Sean for the "heads-up" on VSH.
With your instructions I've got it installed, connected and working with my first flow to switch my laser printer On/Off in my study. Probably not the most efficient flow - but at least it works for verbal commands.

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It's a shame the VSH node doesn't report msg.payload.device as then I could send a verbal message giving some feedback to the Alexa Dot where the original command was uttered.
Anway, I've added a number of "routines" that were handled previously by Amazon Blueprints.

You can have 7 devices for free - given there are 100 brightness levels that 700 commands you could setup :wink:

Had a quick look at this, I don't see any reason why it would not work.


I think it could be possible ? Perhaps a pull request :wink:


Are you using Tasmota there ? Couldn't you just add the Tasmota device to Alexa Directly ?

mines the good looking one, with the pale complexion :vulcan_salute:


I have six Alexa Dots and a couple of Alexa Shows in my house. If I ask one of them to turn On/Off a device it would be great if I got a verbal response directed to that specific Alexa Thingy.
If I knew the device name, then I could easily do that.

PS: I've posted a pull-request on the VSH github.