Alexa 'On Device Activity' not working

Log of a test run

12:10:50.446_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says two
12:11:05.443_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says three
12:11:20.395_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says four
12:11:35.496_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says five
12:11:50.475_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says six
12:12:05.628_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says seven
12:12:20.430_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says eight
12:12:35.472_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says nine

105 sec gap

12:13:50.392_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says fourteen
12:14:05.387_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says fifteen
12:14:20.420_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says sixteen
12:14:35.409_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says seventeen
12:14:50.433_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says eighteen
12:15:05.428_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says nineteen
12:15:20.868_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says twenty
12:15:35.432_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says twenty one

105 sec gap again

12:16:50.456_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says twenty six
12:17:05.429_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says twenty seven
12:17:20.403_alexa_filtered = GardenDot>simon says twenty eight

Since then - it's been fine! (Apart from my devices deciding to go off-piste and need resetting!)
See Github issue for details

just to give the news.
I have an internet connection on LTE these days it works badly with several disconnections , and nodered's alexa service resumes after about 10 minutes.
I have not updated to .48
P.S. can you post the code of nodered you use for the test >simon says one..two ...

Posted new thread to keep this thread clean

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Did a test this afternoon and I was called away and it got up to 269! The only one it missed was 2 for some reason - I'm just putting that one down to a cosmic ray

Couldn't decide between 2, two, too, and to probably! I'll get my coat!

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Good but not perfect this afternoon

I did not lock the container and it updated to nodered3.1.2 I had to reinstall the palette; applestrudel updated to 5.0.48 .
I had applestrudel version 5.0.46 it worked hiccupily but at least it was responsive.
Now I have alexa voice commands that no longer work and this error in the logs : 8 Dec 11:44:20 - [info] [alexa-remote-account:alexa] intialising "alexa" with the PROXY method and saved data...

:sleepy: :exploding_head: .

Could you start an new thread (as this looks like a completely different issue that the main discussion here

Could you start it off my telling us how you've installed NR :slight_smile:

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I installed nodered with the official dockerfile, however I restarted NR and the boot error disappeared.
NR now works fine, but alexa..applestrudel v 5.0.48 does not work. I wanted to revert to 5.0.46 but I am not able to.

Its broken again but fix should be on the way (I've manually bodged one of my instances with the fix and it works for me)

I hesitate to say anything but still working for me ....

As with all the Alexa issues - some people just seem to not be affected and some people have never had it working since October last year!


I feel a conspiracy theory coming on! :slight_smile:

FYI V5.0.49 has been released but its not showing up yet as an upgrade option in my palette

V5.0.49 now available and working for me

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Working for me again too.

works well so far :upside_down_face:

S̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶.̶

Never mind, I realized that I needed to turn on events and auto query in the command node. (Posting just in case anyone else runs into this.)


I've just had another go at trying to get 'On Device Activity' working again - no success.
After the main Alexa node has been iniialised, it will sometimes trigger once, then nothing more.
I'm using NR v3.0.1 on a RPi-4B. Alexa node is... node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel 5.0.49

Just wondered if anyone else is having issues with 'On Device Activity' ?