Alexa 'On Device Activity' not working

Just tried out a new 5th Gen Echo Dot
It was doing well until I got to 12 and then didn't deliver message until I'd said 13 and did usual trick of delivering both at the same time :frowning:

I think I'll need to hire a flat, move in , get broadband installed, buy a new computer and then see what happens :slight_smile:

I have these echodot gen 3 gen4 gen5 all have the same problem

HI all, same here well almost very occasionally if i give her a command she will work, most of the time no response, although Node-Red says " she is listening " :neutral_face:

Same here - "On Dev Activity" node says it is listening (grey colour) but never gets triggered (goes green).
It doesn't even react to things like... "Alexa, what time is it?"

I blame Simon, he's jinxed me again :wink:

So mine wasn't working when I just checked, but after reinitialising it IS working again (for now)

Re-initialise mine. Works ONCE then refuses to play-ball-with-me.

There are a few people reporting that on GitHub.

I need to find my laptop - add NR to it - set up a test amazon account - deregister one of my echoes from main network and then a phone as a hotspot and set it up on that one and see what happens then


Odd that we seem to see different issues, just checked 10 messages at 10 second intervals and all works as expected, no delays etc.

Not sure what could be different ?

Based in UK
node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel v5.0.46
Node-Red v3.1.0
Node v18.17.1
Pi4 4GB with bullseye 64bit

Most of that is the same.

Based in the UK
Same node v5.0.46
NR v3.1.0
Node v18.18.2
Pi4 4GB with Bullseye 32-bit <<<<

I am running it in Docker ( newbie )

Based in the UK
NR v3.1.0
>> Node v16.20.2 <<
>> Mini ITX 5040 Quad-Core Pentium <<

Running in Docker using ... nodered/node-red:latest

nodered run (Alpine ) in docker
25 Nov 17:18:15 - [info] Node-RED version: v3.1.0
25 Nov 17:18:15 - [info] Node.js version: v16.20.2
25 Nov 17:18:15 - [info] Linux 5.15.93-sunxi64 arm64 LE
orange pizero+

It's back working for me (Albeit not quite as fast)

I also tried it, but didn't get it right!

Just updated to v5.0.48 and found 'On Dev Activity' just doesn't work at all anymore.
Before the update it would work ONCE after each re-initialse, now nothing.

Same here .. this is new after latest update :frowning:


other nodes work

The nightmare goes on :frowning:

Did you follow the advice

"When you have experienced missing or delayed events please enable Auto Query Activities in Account Settings and redeploy."

I'd add always to restart NR as well after doing anything with these nodes

And I refresh my browser

And I cross my fingers!

Just done that, now it reverts back to working ONCE and then nothing.

Just tried stopping and restarting NR - that seems to help as I get a few more responese that work.
Still not as relieable as it used to be a few months ago.

Not sure if it is my set-up or not but I seem to get more relieable operation if I give Alexa a command that does not involve BluePrints and then a command that does. For example, if I ask her the time between asking her to turn the mains-socket on for my laser printer it seems to work (sometimes).

When mine was faulty - the activity node did deliver all the messages except it saved two or three up and then delivered them all at the same time

I wish we knew why things work so differently for different people

I've just tested again having been out for a few hours - activity node is missing events again :frowning:

Actually worse than previous behaviour as it didn't deliver several of them and the last two arrived at the same time :frowning:

At least with previous version - I got all the messages (but not in a timely manner)

Well the behaviour you are experiencing now - is just like what is happening to me.
At least our two "installs" seem to be the same.
All very frustrating!!