Audio Out on Chromium


I have a raspberry pi 4 running node-red.

I am trying to use an audio-out node.
While debugging there is no issue, but I can't hear any sound.

Funnily the general audio plays like for example if I open Youtube.
But the Node-Red Dashboard only writes a prompt with the text that is supposed to make a sound.

I tried with another Browser: it didn't work.
I tried setting up the same flow on my laptop. Sound works.

So it's something about the Browsers on the raspberry, but I can't figure out what it is.

Came anyone around the same issue?

Hi @nurit0105

To help others, help.

You're saying:

The audio out Node does not work on RPI OS (despite whatever browser)
BUT, does work on other OS browsers?


  • Version of Node RED
  • Version of DB (also is it V1 or V2)
  • What Audio are you sending (MP3, WAV) etc etc

Disclaimer: I dont use DB, or Audio Out.
To me - this sounds like the required codec is not installed in the OS (But I could be wrong :person_shrugging: )


  • Yes. It does not work on the RPI OS despite the chosen browser
  • When I run the same flows on another OS there the sound works on the Browser
  • Version of Node-Red: v4.0.5
  • Version of OS: Modell Raspberry Pi 4, Pi OS (64-bit), Version of 2024-11-19
  • What do you mean by DB? I don't use any extra Database
  • For audio just the node-red-contrib-audio and the sound should come via the browser

That node does not play in the browser. It uses lame decoder in the runtime (i.e. where Node-RED is installed).

The DB1 node that plays sound in your browser is a different node.


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sorry for that perhaps naive question but do I have to install lame decoder for it to work then?

I think we need to know (WHERE) you want audio to be played.

  • The Browser (A remote client or otherwise)
  • The server its self - In which Node RED is running, i.e as if its being played in a media player (Not a browser)

2 very different requirements

Either would be satisfactory for me. Neither works when I try other node types.
My goal is just to be able to play some sound when the user is on the node red dashboard.

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