Dashboard do not show up anymore

Hi everyone,
I have 10 Dashboards that where running well so far.
Yesterday I installed the node for chartJS in the palette, then restart nodered.

Now I can only see 2 dashboards, 8 disappeared.
I then removed the chartJS palette, clear the browser cache, republish my flows but still the same issue.

Any idea what to do ?
Thanks a lot

Do you mean 10 pages? If not, then what do you mean by a dashboard?

Exactly which node did you install?

Yes 10 pages available on the menu, with 10 different dashboards.

I installed node-red-contrib-chartjs and then removed it but I can not say if this is linked or not. After nodered restart it just did not show up again.

I am suspecting a JavaScript loading issue for the dashboard menu, what do you think ?

Clear the browser cache and refresh the page.

If still not working check for errors in the browser developer console.