FX5U PLC Not Communicating with mc protocol node in Node-RED

Not really interested in somthing old. I am only interested in what the PLC currently has set.

that setting has set on this plc with a password
Please help me with a solution that i can work on it
is there any way to get a remote support so that you can access through the GX work program which i send you also you can communicate with plc

ok? and?

If you cannot change it, then there is nothing I can do to help.

I can give you some advice though - invest in OMRON PLC and get rid of the awful Mitsi crap.

If you cannot, then buy another FX PLC and upload the program if you have it, and make your own settings

Your final option is to pay the guy lots of money for a simple 30 second change.

and dont forget to sack the engineer who spec'd this rubbish :wink:

Sorry, one other potential option - run Node-RED on the server with IP .13 (as per the IP filter on SLMP connection No 1)

you will likely clash with the OPC server connection and be super unreliable (so get rid of Kepware too, if you can)

the SLMP Connection No 1 has a HMI with address .13 and other two connection has 2 slave PLC

Oh, there might be one more way.

Are the FX3 and the FX5 on the same IP network?

Do they both have the unique station numbers?

Do they both have the SAME network number? (the mitsi net number)

Are the FX3 and the FX5 on the same IP network?

Yes same network but not connected with each other

Do they both have the unique station numbers?

the two Fx3U have same Station number but i dont know about Fx5u it is not mentioned in program

Do they both have the SAME network number? (the mitsi net number)

for the Two Fx3U have same Network Number but i dont know about Fx5u it is not mentioned in program

That does not make sense.

Are they both phyisically (by wire) connected to a network that can communicate over IP?

I am not asking if they do any comms or pass data, just that both IPs are on a network that could permit IP connectivity from a common device/computer.

An simple test is

  • do they have same subnet mask and IP range?
  • can you ping an FX3 and the FX5 from the same computer?

Partially it is not connected physically but soon we are gone keep a router to get all connected on same right now i can just connect to Fx5U from this computer

Well, once they have IP connectivity, you might be able to provide routing info in the PLC address

It is in the built in docs. like this D1000:{N:2,S:3} meaing get D1000 from NET2 STN3)

Address format [DS] DEV [DT] DN [.BIT] [,CNT] [:OPTS]...

  1. [1] DS - {string} Digit specifier (e.g. K4) [optional]
  2. [2] DEV - {string} Device (Y|X|D|F|W|B|R|etc)
  3. [3] DT - {string} Data type (REAL|FLOAT|STR|WORD|DWORD|DINT|UINT) [optional]
  4. [4] DN - {int} Device number
  5. [5] BIT - {int} Bit number [optional]
  6. [6] CNT - {int} Count of items [optional]
  7. [7] OPTS - Options for specifying network and station e.g. {N:2,S:3} would attempt to route the message to station 3 on network 2 [optional]


Just looking at this once more:

Have you tried default settings ↓ ?

@Steve-Mcl i tried with Default setting and also i also tried to change Network No,PC No, Dest Module No. and Station No. But the issue is same Time out it work on other PLC FX3U , But not on this FX5U
What is the Other way to approach it

change the settings. I believe the duplicate port numbers are causing connection problem.

And yes, i know you said it is protected - but i cannot do anything about that.

I have given you all the advice I can.

The solution I discovered involved increasing the timeout from 1000 to 10000. Additionally, I reset the Other Thing to its default value and changed the Frame type to 3E, which resulted in excellent performance.

Glad you resolved it & thanks for letting me know. It seems the FX5 supports 3E and not 1E frames.

Ideally, it would work with 4E frames (the 4E frames have a SID (Sequential ID) embedded in the data for better integrity checking.

PS: I had assumed you had tried other frame settings (you stated in your other post!) so my apologies for not asking you to try 3E frames again with default NET settings.

A post was split to a new topic: Reading multiple addresses from MC Protocol (Mitsubishi FX PLC)

This topic is solved.

For new discussions, lets open new a thread.

I have split the question off to its own topic here: Reading multiple addresses from MC Protocol (Mitsubishi FX PLC)