Having been around the block for nearly three decades managing tech and forums on the Internet (yes, way before Stack* and FB and reddit and discourse, when forums were really rough ... the old days, LOL).... I ran across this link today on the Node-RED site, and in particular this:
### Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
These words above are really important. This is a great forum with many super smart and very passionate people and teachers. In these phrases, we cannot over emphasis:
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
Top, inclusive forums are not a competition to see who can provide the best answer (even though some forums do have that model, but that is not really the same as the Node-RED Code of Conduct), or the fastest answer. Being inclusive
means all answers to questions are welcome, not only answers by a few top guns
As the founder of unix.com nearly 20 years ago, I have seen a lot of discussions, very smart people, beginners who grow into experts, big ego tech guys, and many different kinds of moderators over the years.
The best moderators, based my decades of experience in this space, are the mods and leaders who work to insure the Code of Conduct is paramount in the community, not those who are fastest or "always right" at answering questions. Moderation is a different task than the ebb and flow
of asking and answering questions.
This is a great forum at Node-RED with great tech and amazing energy and spirit; and we should always keep in mind that being inclusive
also means we encourage and support everyone who answers questions, in their own style; this is also inclusive
We should never discourage anyone from answering a question, even if we have a different approach. We should also realize that there are a myriad of ways to solve a problem or approach some challenge, and there is rarely a single right
or wrong
Node-RED is great. This is a great forum and the concept of inclusiveness
is very important and we should always encourage everyone to answer questions, even if we might have a different approach or style.
Best Regards,