yeah Dietpi is the same very lightweight all shell driven.
someone there posted a script to update nodejs.. but it takes the download from Index of /dist/latest/ which will be 15.x
I'm using the level indicator vertically to show the position of my roller shutters. It works well without problems. Thus my post is due to a design question. For the roller shutters it would look nicer if the bars of the indicator are wider, especially as I'm not using the value field.
Is there a way to increase the width of the bars of the indicator? Or is an configuration option planned for the future? Thanks in advance!
No there is no plans to make any changes for ui_level.
Widest vertical gauge I know is the most simple one to make And you can design it as you want.
See this:
With slight modification This kind of thing can be done:
Thank you very much for your answer, but that are bad news for me. The problem is: you don't know my ability, in fact it is a "non-ability" regarding jquery
But I'll try to work my way through your example and see, what I can accomplish.
All you have to do is to ask dedicated questions after you have examined the example and have decision how it should look and behave for you Just a slight learning curve to follow
So thanks again! I managed to do it like you propsed with CSS and repeating-linear-gradient(). It looked quite good, but my wife was not satisfied. It looked too different from the light indicator where I am using the fa-lightbub-o in yellow or black, depending on the state. Now for the roller shutters I'm using fa-align-justify with a gradient from yellow to black depending on the position of the shutters. Now she's happy And me too, of course