I apologize for being the edge case finder.
I agree that it is a very special case and probably not worth thinking about it further, I am sorry.
I think the reason why I came up with that was that if you are rethinking about how to express the desire to have a linebreak in the label, then one might could consider that case, although I myself don't have a good answer on how to do that, so the \n with a whitespace seems a good option.
Raspberry pi 3b
2 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.1.0-beta.3
22 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Node.js version: v12.18.1
22 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Linux 4.19.66-v7+ arm LE
new install of node-red then converted to 1.1.0-beta
exported following flow from a different pi
[{"id":"878a536e.e4223","type":"inject","z":"b9dded40.f176a","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":440,"y":980,"wires":[["57f6bb45.83a2c4"]]},{"id":"57f6bb45.83a2c4","type":"function","z":"b9dded40.f176a","name":"Global date / time","func":"var d = new Date();\n date = d.toDateString();\n dow = [\"Sunday\",\"Monday\",\"Tuesday\",\"Wednesday\",\"Thusday\",\"Friday\",\"Saturday\"][d.getDay()]; \n h = d.getHours();\n m = d.getMinutes();\n s = d.getSeconds();\n \n if (h<10){h=\"0\"+h;}\n if (m<10){m=\"0\"+m;}\n if (s<10){s=\"0\"+s;}\n \n da= d.getDate();\n mo= d.getMonth()+1;\n yr= d.getYear()-100; \n if (da<10){da=\"0\"+da;}\n if (mo<10){mo=\"0\"+mo;}\n \n\nnode.status({\n\ttext : h+'.'+m+'.'+s\n});","outputs":"0","noerr":0,"x":630,"y":980,"wires":[]}]
Slight issue - ctrl-A to select all nodes - shift-click drag on top left - grouped nodes on the right get deselected and don't move - don't know if this is related to above but reporting jsut in case not
Shift-click on a node will select all of the nodes it is connected to - but that does not extend over Link nodes. So what you are seeing is the expected behaviour.
Maybe a stupid question (tried looking back at previous beta releases and change log) but how do I make a group, like I drag my mouse over 2 nodes which selects them but I don't see any boarder is there a keyboard shortcut or something.
A heads up on a possible problem I have seen a couple of times but can't replicate, in case anyone else sees it.
It is something to do with importing a flow with an unknown node type, I think, but I am not sure what to do next to repeat it. Possibly something like deleting the node and then deploying (but as I said I have not managed to repeat it). The symptom is that you end up with the Modified Flows popup (ignore, merge etc) and can't get rid of it. Even a browser refresh does not clear it. I had to restart node-red to get it to go away. I am paying more attention when importing now, in the hope of tracking down the trigger.
Notice a small issue with inject and debug nodes, normally you get a hand/finger when you hover over inject button but in beta3 its just the movement arrows, or am I being to picky ?