🎉 Node-RED 1.1.0-beta.3 released

I apologize for being the edge case finder.
I agree that it is a very special case and probably not worth thinking about it further, I am sorry.

I think the reason why I came up with that was that if you are rethinking about how to express the desire to have a linebreak in the label, then one might could consider that case, although I myself don't have a good answer on how to do that, so the \n with a whitespace seems a good option.

As per previous report

  • I've set up an alternate install as per this thread


and copied/pasted in the flow above and I get the same sort of faulty behaviour

CTRL-A to select all nodes - shift-click and drag on top left node

Here is the flow - no need to add in the missing nodes to replicate the issue

(paste turned out to be be too big to paste directly into forum - maybe that is causing the issue?)

Can anyone else replicate it on Win10 (or any other platform)?

Raspberry pi 3b
2 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.1.0-beta.3
22 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Node.js version: v12.18.1
22 Jun 10:03:14 - [info] Linux 4.19.66-v7+ arm LE

new install of node-red then converted to 1.1.0-beta

exported following flow from a different pi

[{"id":"878a536e.e4223","type":"inject","z":"b9dded40.f176a","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":440,"y":980,"wires":[["57f6bb45.83a2c4"]]},{"id":"57f6bb45.83a2c4","type":"function","z":"b9dded40.f176a","name":"Global date / time","func":"var d = new Date();\n  date = d.toDateString();\n  dow = [\"Sunday\",\"Monday\",\"Tuesday\",\"Wednesday\",\"Thusday\",\"Friday\",\"Saturday\"][d.getDay()];   \n  h = d.getHours();\n  m = d.getMinutes();\n  s = d.getSeconds();\n  \n  if (h<10){h=\"0\"+h;}\n  if (m<10){m=\"0\"+m;}\n  if (s<10){s=\"0\"+s;}\n  \n  da= d.getDate();\n  mo= d.getMonth()+1;\n  yr= d.getYear()-100;  \n  if (da<10){da=\"0\"+da;}\n  if (mo<10){mo=\"0\"+mo;}\n  \n\nnode.status({\n\ttext : h+'.'+m+'.'+s\n});","outputs":"0","noerr":0,"x":630,"y":980,"wires":[]}]

I see this when I import it

I see same issue as cymplecy in dev tools

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Thanks @cymplecy and @Dave - this issue ("Cannot read property 'lines' of undefined") is now fixed in git.

Slight issue - ctrl-A to select all nodes - shift-click drag on top left - grouped nodes on the right get deselected and don't move - don't know if this is related to above but reporting jsut in case not

Shift-click on a node will select all of the nodes it is connected to - but that does not extend over Link nodes. So what you are seeing is the expected behaviour.

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Maybe a stupid question (tried looking back at previous beta releases and change log) but how do I make a group, like I drag my mouse over 2 nodes which selects them but I don't see any boarder is there a keyboard shortcut or something.

aah - got you - I shouldn't shift-click to drag after the ctrl-a - I just need to click and drag #TILT :slight_smile:

Ctrl-Shift-G to group Ctrl-Shift-U to ungroup

Select the nodes, then either selection - the Groups - > Group selection menu option, or ctrl-shift-g

Aha got it thanks

A heads up on a possible problem I have seen a couple of times but can't replicate, in case anyone else sees it.
It is something to do with importing a flow with an unknown node type, I think, but I am not sure what to do next to repeat it. Possibly something like deleting the node and then deploying (but as I said I have not managed to repeat it). The symptom is that you end up with the Modified Flows popup (ignore, merge etc) and can't get rid of it. Even a browser refresh does not clear it. I had to restart node-red to get it to go away. I am paying more attention when importing now, in the hope of tracking down the trigger.

Please do check the browser console for any errors the next time you manage to recreate it

Notice a small issue with inject and debug nodes, normally you get a hand/finger when you hover over inject button but in beta3 its just the movement arrows, or am I being to picky ?


you are being picky - but you are also absolutely correct... :slight_smile:

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I get the hand!

[edit] Chrome/Linux

I don't Win10/Chromium

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I don't get the hand - macOS - Safari/Chrome/FireFox

The CSS for the button is wrong and doesn't set the cursor to the pointer type. No more replies on the presence or otherwise of a hand please.

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Gotta hand it to you Nick, you are on top of things. :rofl: