Practical solution to unclickable link-in nodes

I line my flows up nearly to the edge of the canvas, which as a result causes link-in nodes to become unclickable.

Does someone have a practical remedy to work around this ? (without making the flows messy)

I see they have a click trigger on a single pixel line, but cannot see where it goes, but i guess i will find out by clicking.

Do you mean that the link node itself is not clickable, or that you cannot click on the other end of the dotted line showing where the link is linked to? If the latter then the only solution I have found is to position the nodes further from the edge.

Do you mean the dashed "wire" which if you click it takes you to the matching link-in node [on another flow] is not clickable?

It seems that this part of the wire is clickable

While this part is not (but clearly should be, seems like a bug):

It looks like you only get to see the clickable part of the wire if the x position of the node is at least 55. And if it is at the far left of a group, like your example, the left hand edge of the group has to be at least 1 step away from the edge of the workspace. The top link in this pic does not show the clickable part, the bottom one does.

I do know what you mean.

I too am guilty of having this happen to me from time to time.

Alas my only solution s to move it slightly to the right.

This problem also exists for link out nodes on the right side of flows too.

You can't get to/see their connections too.

Whilst immensely, useful I agree the presentation could be improved, I often find myself with links hidden behind other nodes like this.

As these are only shown when the node is clicked, it may make sense to have them pop up on the top layer and hide what is underneath.