Pure fun with Alexa and Alexa Skills

ok ok, lesson learned, but I really need help with that question, it is very important please

Can you tell us which Alexa node you are using as there are quite a few.

The node most people have had success with is... node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel

The nodes I'm using at the moment are the one above and... node-red-contrib-alexa-remote-fork

is this

Has this ever worked or did you just install it ?

Did you follow the instructions here ?

Hi Dave

Sorry, I know it's an old post but I have only just bought an Echo Dot and thought I would give some of the flows here a try. I have searched the library but cannot find the ip node. Would you please let me know what it is?

I already track the temperature of my Pi's but I do the identification manually. Automating this seems a GOOD idea. :wink:

I think the node I used was...

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That was it. Thank you

Great thread. Hope it's still being followed.

I tried to implement the schema using node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel 5.0.50
and Blueprints Q&A skill.

However, I found the following:

  • When I ask a question to my custom Blueprint Q&A skill (or for that matter to any other skill), I get back: alexaResponse: ""
  • When I ask a question that Alexa answers itself (like what time is it), I get back the full string of the response. For example, alexaResponse: "It's 11:56 PM."

In both cases, though the summary field captures my original question.
However I would prefer to filter on Alexa's response rather than my initial question which may have multiple phrasings...

Hello - and welcome to the Forum.

A few months back I had problems with getting reliable responses from Alexa, so I went down this route using Virtual Smart Home (VSH) node.