Show us your Dashboard!

Here's my home automation dashboard. The automation does not do much, just calculates schedules for some high-consuming devices based on electricity prices and switching them accordingly. And controlling some lights and exhaust ventilator. And of course it alerts on failures and happy events like "sauna is ready" via telegram.
The dashboard has buttons to control every item also manually. I use them rarely but still needed.

There is quite of CSS tweaks and some custom components.

I don't use top-bar nor the side menu. All the cards are in same size and overall sizes are set in the manner that whole layout arranges into two columns for tablet and single column for phone screen. There is small buttons to switch to the settings page.

In this page it is possible to change the rules for schedule calculations, also there is more information about electricity prices so I can view them with and without the taxes added. This page is designed to view in landscape orientation in mobile.